Eirini Maria Kaloudi is a Dietician who holds a Masters Degree in “Exercise & Nutrition" from the Harokopio University of Athens. She is a seasoned practitioner with over 10 years of experience in various fields within the spectrum of dietetics. From academia and research to nutritional counselling and sales.
Together with her colleagues in 2012 Eirini co-designed an intervention program for children with Down Syndrome at the Human Nutrition & Metabolism Research & Training Center of Grundlsee in Austria.
Eirini completed her Bachelor's Degree at the Department of “Diet & Nutrition” in Thessaloniki Greece in 2009.
She received an award for one of her assignments at the 11th Conference in Dietetics in Athens. This work was published in the Nutrition Society Magazine with the title: “The effect of different doses of caffeinated coffee on energy intake and appetite feelings of healthy male and female volunteers.
By A. Gavrieli, E. Karfopoulou, T. Kardatou, E. Spyreli, E. Kaloudi and M. Yannakoulia, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece”.
Her assignment in her Bachelor's degree had the title:
“Analysis of hospital’s nutritional value diet for patients with Chronic Renal Failure”.
Work Experience:
Eirini has represented and collaborated with various well known brands in the health food industry, such as Renew Life probiotics, Organicup, Beauty Kitchen, Nutristrength, Pukka, NAHS, Yes! nut bars and more.
2006: University Hospital of Larisa- Greece as a trainee dietician.
2008: Working for a supplement brand.
2009 until current: Dietician specializing in people who are battling with obesity and who require help and support in managing their weight and health challenges.
Teacher/trainer for dietician assistants and chefs at IEK XINI.
Volunteer at "Idrima Kokkori", a Down Syndrome Foundation hosting 23 women with mental disabilities.
2016 until current: Sales and marketing for various supplement/vitamin brands.